Note-taking and Flashcards designed for Engineers.
Take notes, make flashcards, study efficiently.
Create Structured Knowledge
Take notes and make them useful faster with RemNote’s nested notes structure. See the logical and hierarchical relationships between concepts at a glance, without spending extra time on organizing.
Make Flashcards On The Fly
Generate spaced repetition study cards as you take your notes, without juggling windows or switching apps. Using a minimalist markup format, create flashcards that track your progress and suggest best review times automatically.
Add Formulas To Your Notes
Formula handling can be a real pain in digital notebooks and note-taking apps. With our Latex feature, you can create inline formulas that are easy to read and easier to edit. Enjoy legible and flexible inline math notation without sacrificing note taking speed.
Take Notes Directly on Your Handouts
Annotate PDF files you embed directly in your notes. Minimize the time you spend on organizing and keeping track of notes, by having your source materials and your annotations integrate seamlessly in RemNote.
Integrate Media Into Your Notes
Embed Images, Videos, Audios & other files directly into your notes. Keep all your source materials and notes in the same place - exactly where you need it.
Take Notes Fast, Really Fast
Create custom shortcuts to incorporate commonly used names, acronyms and abbreviations, and have the editor auto-substitute the full value as you type. Speed up your note-taking while keeping clarity with References and instant connections to referenced topics.
Build a knowledge base that helps you study.
Create a repository of knowledge that helps you study faster, retain knowledge better, and get ahead through creating a superior knowledge architecture with RemNote.
Join 1,000,000+ students to get an extra day off each week!
Brenna L.
Game-changer. 5 minutes learning RemNote saved me literally hundreds of hours of studying.
Shabab Bin M.
High school student
Everyone in this team is so passionate. And did I mention the product itself? MINDBLOWING!!! The rate at which it accelerates learning is insanely high! Safe to say, It is going to be the best knowledge handling app out here.
Naveed F.
Weill Cornell Medical School
Great app, way easier than Anki. Looks cleaner and saves me time switching between apps.
Cameron W.
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
All my notes and flashcards in one place. Used to waste hours a week just copying notes from Notion into Quizlet. Seriously underrated – key part of my daily workflow as a med student.

Note-taking, efficient enough for an Engineer.
Get efficient about your information tracking, learning, and study methodology. Use RemNote’s holistic knowledge management tool to take the friction out of learning.
Take better notes
Take good notes faster, and spend less time organizing with RemNote’s intuitive structured format. The built-in nesting structure helps make the relationships between concepts obvious at a glance.
Study More, Format Less
Create study cards as you type with a simple and intuitive formatting. Instead of spending hours copy-pasting notes into flashcards, generate them on the fly and spend that time on actually studying the material with RemNote’s built-in spaced repetition engine.
Clear formulas (Finally)
Create notes with formulas that don’t take a decoder ring to figure out later. The LaTeX feature makes creating and editing formulas intuitive, while rendering them in a clear, legible, and attractive format.
Redefine scribbling in the margins
With PDF annotation you can truly integrate your source materials with your notes, without awkward cross-referencing formatting. Take notes directly on your embedded PDF file, and connect it seamlessly to the rest of your knowledge base.
Keep all your sources in one place
Stop shuffling windows and apps, add all your source materials like PDF handouts and multimedia files directly in your notes - exactly where you need it.
Take notes faster
Typing out a long but commonly-used combination of words slows you down. Abbreviation and short-hand makes your notes messy. Use aliases for custom-defined shortcuts that insert frequently-used terms and allow you to reference them with broader topics elsewhere in your knowledge base.
Build a knowledge engine that drives your learning.
Turn your note taking into a machine. Study and keep track of knowledge more efficiently with the tool designed for advanced learner information management.
Join 1,000,000+ students to get an extra day off each week!
Brenna L.
Game-changer. 5 minutes learning RemNote saved me literally hundreds of hours of studying.
Shabab Bin M.
High school student
Everyone in this team is so passionate. And did I mention the product itself? MINDBLOWING!!! The rate at which it accelerates learning is insanely high! Safe to say, It is going to be the best knowledge handling app out here.
Naveed F.
Weill Cornell Medical School
Great app, way easier than Anki. Looks cleaner and saves me time switching between apps.
Cameron W.
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
All my notes and flashcards in one place. Used to waste hours a week just copying notes from Notion into Quizlet. Seriously underrated – key part of my daily workflow as a med student.